Monday, February 25, 2008


February is the month of Celebrations for the Ohlerking Tribe.

8 Feb Dan (42)

9 Feb Lincoln (8)

14 Feb Dave (68)

25 Feb David 3 (13)
Sorry I don't have a more current photo of's been a long time since we've been able to see him. But he is loved more than he can imagine!

29 (Feb) Rhodes and Rhett (4)
This will be the first time they have had the privilege of celebrating their birthdays on the actual day since they were born on leapday in 2004

Besides all the birthdays, Jimmy & June, Beano & Sharon, as well as Dave & I celebrate our anniversaries in February.

And last of all, hugs for Valentine’s Day for all our special people--including you!


Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

How appropriate that your husband's birthday is on February 14.

Jean Ohlerking said...

i agree! he's my real-life valentine! we got married on his (19th) birthday (mercy, we were just mere babes) so that he wouldn't forget the anniversary. it has worked so far. but then he's never forgotten my birthday either (and it's on a non-day in June).