Friday, December 11, 2009

God Answers Prayer

Like all moms who love Jesus do, I pray daily for all my kids.
Lately, upon occasion, I've been texting or direct messaging via twitter a reminder to them that I'm praying.

I just got this email from daughter Susan (missionary in Swaziland) regarding one of those reminders.

Thank you, Mom, for your prayers for protection. Yesterday was a great day for that.

Ben was taking a couple home last night (they stuck around our house a little while after the team to discuss their maybe moving out here). On the way a head-on collision occurred right in front of them. Drunk driver. Had they gotten to the intersection a few seconds before, they’d have been T-boned. Ben would have received the brunt of it. It could have killed him. They’d just been talking about God’s protection.

This morning Ben told me the reality of what happened last night was sinking to him in a little more. He had a brush with death, but God protected him.

I looked up the reference you gave me in the direct tweet, and now my Bible is open on my lap to it: “The declaration of the Lord: ‘I will be a wall of fire around it, and I will be the glory within it.’”

Yay. So glad He’s watching out for His kids.

I love you. Praying for you too.


I think I'm going to dance...

1 comment:

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

I am here via twitter, good to read your blog. Great and valuable thoughts on prayer. May God continue to bless you Dave and all other dear ones with you.
My Good Wishes for the New Year 2010
God Bless