Sunday, September 03, 2006

Day Thirty-Four of Forty

Children's Cup Stateside Team

How blessed we are to have such a talented, dedicated, and Holy Spirit-energized team in the homebase.

Thank you for placing in their hearts the desire to serve at home. Thank you for giving them a heart for the little ones whom they may never meet. Thank you enabling them to work in the "background" with the all-important details of the home office.

Please bless these dear, dear ones. Bless them when they are going out. Bless them when they are coming in. Bless them when they are standing. Bless them when they are sitting. Bless them from the inside out.

Continue to give them anointed and creative ideas for our publications; for setting up and running the database; for answering phone calls and emails and prayer requests; for praying over the phone with our donors who are themselves hurting. For being the life-line between the donors and the receivers.

Please use them for your glory.

Thank you for our wonderful home staff.

In Jesus' name,

PS Happy Birthday, Vicki.

For today's prayer on the forty days of prayer blogsite click here

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