Thursday, January 03, 2008


A new year.

New beginnings.


Fresh start.

Somehow the new year always feels like the time to make special promises, changes in behavior, drop bad habits, pick up good ones, and to just try harder.

The decision to make changes is easy. Following through is hard.

Psalm 25 gives the recipe for making the right changes, and how to do it, how to stick with it.

1. Trust God
2. Wait on His direction (he won't hide his will from you)
3. Be sure your sins are dealt with
4. Obey his instructions
5. Fear God
6. Keep your eyes on the Lord
7. Let him know your heart, your needs
8. Live in integrity and uprightness

Oh, this is just a quicky glimpse at this awesome Psalm. Read it in many versions to get a wider perspective of its meaning.

It's a sure way to get going in 2008 and to actually make decisions that are right and ones that will make an impact on you, your loved ones, and even the world.

Happy new year.

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