Thursday, December 07, 2006

The 2006 Children's Cup CarePoint Christmas Party!

There were 2500 to 3000 kids (who can get an accurate count when they are running around hollering and laughing and playing!) gathered for our 2006 CarePoint Christmas party. Inflatable jumping things and tug-of-war games and painted faces and sack races made the day such fun!
It was SO hot that Charles and Pat got a loooong hose, turned on the water and played like a fountain for the kids to get cooled off in the drizzle.
The entertainment was precious. Each CarePoint had their own presentation of scriptures or carols or skits. Each one centered on Jesus, whose birthday we were celebrating. The main skit, presented by the Dynamite Kids (a special group who are learning servanthood), acted out the nativity. Well done!

Cute thing was the pregnant Mary: Her costume consisted of a bit of cloth for a "robe" draped over a huge beach ball!

Special speaker was a 13-year-old evangelist who laid out the plan of salvation as clear as you can have it. "I cannot see inside your heart," he said. "But God can. And you know what's there. God is wanting to clean it all up. He's waiting for you to ask Him to come in."

The food was fabulous. Fried chicken, rice, gravy, salads, and ice cream for dessert. Who could ask for more? This picture gives the "bucket of chicken" order at KFC a whole new meaning...

One little 11-year-old girl touched our hearts. She's dying of AIDS--and looks like she's only six. Someone went to the trouble to see to it she could be there. Although she couldn't participate in the running and jumping and racing, she took everything in with her eyes. She was delighted to be amid all the fun and games and excitement. Last I saw her, one of our dear ladies was carrying her in her arms, up the hill...

Thanks, everyone who prayed, gave, encouraged and prepared. It was a time the kids will never forget.

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