Sunday, December 31, 2006

I was just wondering how long it will take me to remember to write 2007 instead of 2006...

Mercy, I still find myself writing "19..." before I think about it. Then have to change to "20..."

No resolutions. I know better. I know I won't keep 'em anyway.

When you get to be my age, you just enjoy your grandkids, the sunsets, the rainbows, the gentle breezes, a phone call from a friend, an email from one of my kids, a good cup of coffee, a hug from my wonderful hubby... and chocolate whenever I want it.

I'm married to Dave. Since life has never been boring with him, I wonder what this year holds in store!

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Karl said...

so glad to hear, that you don't believe in New Years resolutions. I don't either. Today Jeannie asked me that question, and when I answered like you, she tried to convince me that it is never too late to achieve new things, but at almost 70 years of age I am not too terribly inclined to jump through all kinds of hoops to achieve more. The Lord has very nicely taken care of us, even before I called Him my Savior. I have no complaints (they wouldn't do any good anyhow). So I will just keep going and trust that He who has so wonderfully taken care of us until today will continue to do so.
May 2007 be a year full of excitement, joy, health and God's grace.
Love to both of you - Karl