Sunday, February 25, 2007

My Knight in Shining Armor Part 2

In order to make him fit her picture of the perfect husband, (hence make hers the perfect marriage), she proceeds to try to change him. She climbs up on the steed with her jar of silver polish and sits behind her Knight and polishes the shining armor. To her husband it feels like nags and pushes and faultfindings.

Pretty soon she wants to work on the other side of the armor and tries to turn him around. Of course somewhere in the process, he falls off the steed and she’s left in the saddle alone.

Some Knights simply walk away, figuring his armor and all that goes with it isn’t good enough for her. He’s disappointed her. He’s discouraged. So he appeals and begs and turns into a mouse. Or he gives up and spends his time going out with the boys watching football games or playing golf. Or really digs in at the office where his armor actually does shine a bit and no one has a jar of silver polish.

What happened to her Knight? She finds herself in the lead of the marriage—but without the Godly leadership anointing.

She thinks she can lead the marriage better than he can, because, in her eyes, he has tarnished armor, and now he’s being a mouse or running around with the boys. She may win the stallion, but she’s lost her Knight In Shining Armor.

The first thing a damsel must do is realize that there are no PERFECT Knights in Shining Armor. There are knights, there is armor, and there are even beautiful steeds. None of which is perfect.

Neither are there any perfect damsels.

If you want to re discover your personal Knight in Shining Armor, you need to think about doing some of the following:

1. Get down off the steed. It is God’s plan that the husband be the head of the household. In time, he’ll be happy to get back up there.
2. Put away the silver polish. The Lord does a fine job of polishing. It’s the wife’s job to pray for her knight. She must encourage and uplift him. But never try to change him herself.
3. Check and see if your pretty damsel-dress is stained, faded, ragged or torn. It’s the old mote/log story. The Holy Spirit is pretty cool about keeping you looking good for your Knight if the Lord is first in your life.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Preachhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! That's cool, but it is also soooo Biblical! Mrs. Jean, I love reading your blog and can't wait to meet you in person! It's gonna be awesome! You'll have to bring me something from Africa. Some dirt! lol :P Good post!